Sunday, September 29, 2013


Time may change me- but I can't trace time- David Bowie

Ahh the memories- 

Anyway- I have already changed my plan up a bit as I started to organize it. At this point I have completed inviting staff members that wanted to participate in this project to a meeting. At the meeting I explained my intentions for the project and how I believe this is an area of need for our school according to the state testing and demographic data we receive. We then brainstormed various activities that we could do. That was the best part because we had some great ideas I hadn’t thought of before. I realized what a wealth of knowledge the staff has from the diverse backgrounds that they have taught in.

After the meeting I organized the activities into groupings. I then posted them on Sign Up Genius and had the members either sign up to run a subcommittee or to just participate in one of them. I didn’t want to pressure anyone to head a subcommittee so I will head the committees that no one wanted to. I also knew that we’ve got some great staff members that really like to take on the leadership role so I wanted that to be an opportunity for them to use their skills in that area also. Sign Up Genius is great and easy to use even for a technology deficient human like me.

I also received the list of students that we will pick from to work with on my project. I didn’t do that prior to the meeting because I wanted to see how many staff members wanted to participate first. The next portion of this will be looking at their testing scores and see who is in need the most of some assistance.

The highlighted areas are what has been done so far....woo hoo!

Action Planning Template
Goal: How can we help increase the standardized test scores for Math and Reading of our low socio-economic population of 4th and 5th grade students? When programs are implemented to increase their scores will those that had behavioral concerns also come out having better behavior too?
Objectives/ Outcomes:
  1. Increase state standardized test scores for 15-20 students qualifying as low socio economic population of 4th and 5th grade students in Reading and Math.
  2. Decrease negative behaviors for these same students listed above that have behavioral concerns that result in office referrals or in/out of school suspension for the low socio economic population of 4th and 5th grade students.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Present the Action Research Plan to staff members that are interested in being involved in working with this group of students.
Mickie Long
August 23, 2013
·         Smart Board
·         Agenda Handouts
·         Power Point
·         Feedback survey

Feedback survey from the meeting
Compile list of low socio economic students that will be in program

Mickie Long
Michelle Kolb (Guidance Counselor)
August 19, 2013-September 6, 2013
·         School demographic information
Data analysis
Compile list of their STAAR result for Math and Reading from previous year
Compile a list of any office referrals or suspensions
Mickie Long
Amy Carranza (Assistant Principal)
Stacey Everson (Assistant Principal)

October 2, 2013
·         Student test results
·         Student office referral and suspension lists
Data analysis
Meet with committee members during week and discuss plans we will implement, who has what group of students, and other ideas they may have
Mickie Long, committee members
September 16, 2013- September 20, 2013
·         Smartboard
·         Handouts of ideas of activities to do
Analyze how productive the meeting was and what was accomplished
Send parent permission letter home of students involved explaining activities there child will be involved and who their mentor is
Mickie Long, committee members
October 15, 2013
·         Parent permission letter
Parent response
Meet with committee members and discuss progress, concerns, analyze, academic and behavioral data
Mickie Long, committee members
September 30, 2013 and then every other week through December 2013

Meet monthly from January 2014-June 2014
·         Behavior data
·         Academic data
Data analysis
Parent training classes
Mickie Long, District Personnel involved with parent training classes
October 2013- June 2014

Meet every other month topics such as: how to make your child more successful, how to help academically, how to help behaviorally, etc
·         District person
·         Smartboard
·         Handouts
·         Snacks
·         Free child care
·         Parent survey
Parent survey on class
Analyze results of research plan
Mickie  Long, committee members
June 2014
·         Powerpoint
·         Data
Data anlaysis
Present results to Adminsitrative Team and committee
Mickie Long
June 2014
·         Powerpoint
·         Data
Data analysis