Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The End of the Beginning.....of the Action Research Plan

The beginning of this course caused a bit of anxiety for me. I felt excited that I made it through my first online course but wasn’t quite confident in whether that was beginners luck or truly my ability. I came into this course not having a clue of what an Action Research Plan was. When I would read the early posts on Facebook I would become anxious thinking I didn’t have any idea of what they were talking about. Quickly I learned to block the stressors out and learned to walk through each assignment task by task. I realized this whole course was to teach about how to do an Action Research Plan. I wasn’t supposed to come in here with the knowledge of it. I was going to learn it. And I did!
I trained myself to watch the videos from Elvis Arterbury, Ph.D. and Steve Jenkins, Ed.D after I looked at the course overview. They conveyed calmness and a sense of being there to help me through this process. It was always a great way to start the by listening to their conversations and helpful hints. They were both very calming and encouraging which is exactly what this older horse needed.

I also felt the readings were very helpful. The first reading in Leading with Passion and Knowledge by Nancy Fichtman Dana was the most helpful to me. It explained the purpose of an action research plan, the benefits of conducting this inquiry, and the common problem in most people’s jobs of how you will actually find the time to conduct one. The assigned readings from her text brought us from coming up with an inquiry, deciding how you were going to keep track of the data, writing a plan of action, sharing

our progress with others along the journey, and coming up with concluding thoughts about the action research plan so it can be shared with others.  Overall I felt her book was very useful in walking me through this process.

Even though the assignments at times seemed a little daunting to me when I previewed them early in the week, I always felt that they were helpful in assisting me to the end goal or objective for this course- writing and action research plan. One of things I did realize from these assignments and this course was that I really need to preview the entire course to try to map out when I will need to contact other people as part of the assignment.

One of my weaknesses as a leader is that I dislike “bothering” people. This is something I need to get over. I have to rehearse in my head each time that my supervisor agreed to this and really has been nothing but more than helpful. In the back of my head though I keep thinking “Man, she has so much to do and I don’t want to bother her with my dribble.” For the next course I will be previewing right away so I can set up times to sit with my supervisor and discuss my assignments, action research plan, and/or internship plan.

So on I trench to the next course wondering what lies ahead for me on this journey and hoping for continued success.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Site Super Conference- and what in the heck am I doing being done on a Thursday! Yippee!

I met with my site supervisor, Jana Needham on August 6th, 2013 at our campus. I discussed my Action Research Plan with her. She had some great insight on my idea of having a parenting class for the parents/ guardians of the students in my study. I mentioned I would like to open it to all parents but the ones in my study would have a special invitation and encouragement to come. She stated that at one of her previous campus’ they had a disciplinary placement program and it was required of the parents to come to parenting classes in order for their student to advance quicker through the placement program. She said they also invited other parents of students that were on the radar for behavioral concerns. There weren’t any revisions suggested at this point but I felt affirmed in my thoughts on doing the parenting classes- or as I will call them “How to help your child be more successful at school”. Even though no changes were made at this point my guess is that a long this path I will have some revisions.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

DeepThoughts.......does that provoke any memories from the old SNL days...

Well, for those of you interested in my little ARP on myself I will tell you the result of putting in 2 hours nightly instead of 1.5....
It works better to do the 2 each night but the problem this week is that it worked so well I ended up taking a day off in the middle instead of the end so here I sit on a Sunday night plugging away again. (not frantically though) I'll give this rationale- I just finished teaching Summer School Social Skills to students under the ASD umbrella on Thursday. So I took Thursday off. I would've easily been done Friday or Saturday. Now I just need to get through doing them back to back and then take Sunday and maybe Saturday off.
Signing off on this note....it's the plumber....candy gram.....? More SNL quips....

Mickie's Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: How can we help increase the standardized test scores for Math and Reading of our low socio-economic population of 4th and 5th grade students? When programs are implemented to increase their scores will those that had behavioral concerns also come out having improved behavior also?
Objectives/ Outcomes:
  • Increase state standardized test scores for 15-20 students qualifying as low socio economic population of 4th and 5th grade students in Reading and Math.
  • Decrease negative behaviors for these same students listed above that have behavioral concerns that result in office referrals or in/out of school suspension for the low socio economic population of 4th and 5th grade students.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Present the Action Research Plan to staff members (8-10) that are interested in being involved in working with this group of students.
Mickie Long
August 23, 2013
·         Smart Board
·         Agenda Handouts
·         Power Point
·         Feedback survey

Feedback survey from the meeting
Compile a list of low socio economic students and decide which ones should be in the program

Mickie Long
Jana Needham (Principal)
Amy Carranza (Assistant Principal)
Stacey Everson (Assistant Principal)
Michelle Kolb (Guidance Counselor)
August 19, 2013-September 6, 2013
·         School demographic information
Data analysis
Compile list of their STAAR result for Math and Reading from previous year
Compile a list of office referrals or suspensions

Mickie Long
Amy Carranza (Assistant Principal)
Stacey Everson (Assistant Principal)

September 9, 2013- September 13, 2013
·         Student test results
·         Student office referral and suspension lists
Data analysis
Begin book study on A Framework for Understanding Poverty
Mickie Long, committee members, and other staff that would like to attend
September 9, 2013-October 14, 2013
(1 time per week)
·         Ruby Payne books

Discuss book and how we can use some of the strategies to help our student group
Meet with committee members during week and discuss plans we will implement, who has what group of students, and other ideas they may have
Mickie Long, committee members
September 16, 2013- September 20, 2013
·         Smart board
·         Handouts of ideas of activities to do
Analyze how productive the meeting was and what was accomplished
Send parent permission letter home of students involved explaining activities there child will be involved and who their mentor is
Mickie Long, committee members
September 20, 2013
·         Parent permission letter
Parent response
Meet with committee members and discuss progress, concerns, analyze, academic and behavioral data
Mickie Long, committee members
September 30, 2013 and then every other week through December 2013

Meet monthly from January 2014-June 2014

·         Behavior data
·         Academic data
Data analysis of STAAR results, office referrals, suspension, teacher surveys
Parent training classes
Mickie Long, District Personnel involved with parent training classes
October 2013- June 2014

Meet every other month topics such as: how to make your child more successful, how to help academically, how to help behaviorally, etc
·         District person
·         Smart board
·         Handouts
·         Snacks
·         Free child care
·         Parent survey
Parent survey on class
Analyze results of research plan
Mickie  Long, committee members
June 2014
·         PowerPoint
·         Data
Data analysis of STAAR results, office referrals, suspensions
Present results to Administrative Team and committee
Mickie Long
June 2014
·         PowerPoint
·         Data
Data analysis of STAAR results, office referrals, suspensions